Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a lung disease that causes severe breathing issues due to restrictions in the airflow. People suffering from COPD can experience clogs or damage in the lungs with phlegm. Air pollution and excessive smoking can be the major causes behind the development of COPD.
If you’re witnessing the symptoms of COPD, then you must consult the best pulmonologist in Siliguri immediately for early diagnosis. The doctor will monitor your symptoms and health needs for recommending an effective treatment plan and measures for controlling the complications.
Here are some of the common symptoms and treatment options for people suffering from COPD.
The symptom of COPD doesn’t appear during the initial stages and it starts appearing after there are significant damages in the lung. This is why, the people experiencing the symptoms shouldn’t delay in contacting the doctor for diagnosis.
You must also consider the fact that continued smoking exposure after getting affected by COPD is a major factor that can worsen the symptoms. The early sign of COPD is shortness of breath, especially during heavy physical activities and exercises.
Breathlessness is the main symptom of the disease that causes huge barriers to performing daily life activities and can decrease work productivity. As the disease progresses, some of the other symptoms are noticed such as weight loss, lack of energy, chest tightness, and wheezing.
A chronic cough with yellow, white, or greenish sputum can also be experienced. People with COPD have a high risk of getting affected by respiratory infections such as pneumonia and seasonal flu. You can also observe the symptoms of depression, heart problems, and weakness in the muscles. You must contact the best pulmonologist doctor in Siliguri if you’re facing any of these symptoms for a long period.
There are no prominent treatments that can cure COPD but an effective treatment plan will help in controlling the distressing symptoms and rapid progression of the disorder.
Short-acting or long-acting bronchodilator inhalers or steroid inhalers can be recommended by the doctor that will help in delivering the medications directly to the lungs.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
It is a specialized program that includes proper education and exercise for treating COPD. Dietary advice, physical exercise, and psychological support are provided in it.
The doctor may prescribe antibiotics, mucolytics, steroids, or Theophylline tablets based on your health complications and symptoms.
Lung volume reduction surgery, bullectomy, and lung transplant are some of the surgeries that can be recommended by the specialist if the symptoms cannot be controlled by medicines.
Based on your seriousness and response, the doctor may also suggest you some other treatments such as oxygen therapy and Non-invasive ventilation. Proper guidance from the best pulmonologist in Siliguri is extremely essential for controlling the disorder and its damaging effects on the lungs.
Apart from the efficient treatment preferences, you must also stop smoking for stopping further damage to the airways and lungs. Additionally, including healthy foods in your diet, engaging in regular exercise, and reducing exposure to dust and airborne irritants can also contribute to treating COPD.