The Benefits of Regular Exercise for People with Chronic Lung Disease

The Benefits of Regular Exercise for People with Chronic Lung Disease


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that can cause severe damage to the lungs. It is often caused by prolonged exposure to harmful smoke, fumes, dust, or chemicals. Symptoms of this disease include difficulty breathing while doing physical activity, whistling sound while breathing, cough that brings clear mucus, tightness in the chest, swelling in ankles, and frequent lung infections.

Immediately book an appointment to visit a pulmonologist doctor in Siliguri, if your symptoms don’t get better with ongoing treatment or if the symptoms get worse. If you want to manage the symptoms of this disease naturally you can do breathing and acrobatic exercises, stretching, and Tai chi or yoga.

How exercises can help you while suffering from chronic lung disease:        

Improves oxygen circulation in the body

One of the common myths is you can’t exercise while suffering from Chronic Lung disease. However, this is not true and the right duration and type of exercise has several benefits. You can try several exercises which include;

Pulmonary rehabilitation: This is a medically supervised program that helps us to increase awareness about lung disease. Here you can learn which exercise is beneficial for shortness of breath.

Stretching: This is a good way to warm up and cool down before exercising. This activity relaxes your body and also improves your flexibility.

Aerobic exercises: This exercise includes walking, swimming, cycling, etc. This exercise is good for your heart, and lungs, and this also allows you to use oxygen more efficiently.

Resistance training: This activity helps your breathing muscles to become stronger.

However, before trying any of these exercises it is recommended to consult with a pulmonologist. 

Boost energy levels

When suffering from lung disease it affects your normal breathing which can be exhausting. This drains your energy level and might find it difficult to perform simple daily tasks. So you need to do daily regular exercise which helps you to boost your energy levels. When you are physically active your heart and lungs work harder to supply the oxygen depending on the requirements of the muscles. As your physical fitness improves your body starts to receive more oxygen which decreases shortness of breath over time.         

Maintains mental health

Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health conditions that are common among people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The reason behind this mental breakdown is because of increased mortality, exacerbation rates, length of hospital stay, decreased quality of life, and functional status. Though these symptoms are common among people with COPD, you should never leave this untreated. To get the necessary guidance during the mental breakdown you can consult with a top pulmonologist in Siliguri. You can maintain your mental health by doing regular exercises. The exercises help to stimulate endorphins and serotonin in the brain which helps to improve your mood.

Improves shortness of breath

One of the most common symptoms of chronic lung disease is shortness of Breath. This is because of blocked airways due to lung tumours, fluid build-up in the lungs, low oxygen levels, narrow airways, and infection in the air sacs. The exercises help to improve the shortness of breath by increasing the efficiency of the body to use oxygen, strengthening the muscles of your lungs, and ensuring that the heart and lungs work together for an efficient supply of oxygen. You can do various exercises to improve breathing including walking, stretching, Tai chi, and hydrotherapy.   

Boost self esteem

Patients facing lung disease face numerous challenges which lower their self-esteem and decrease their quality of life. It hampers their working capacity, social interaction, sleep, eating, and other regular activities. However regular exercise helps people feel more energetic and independent, increasing their self-esteem. The exercises also release hormones which improve your mood and make you feel positive.  

Improves sleep quality

Sleep disorder is common if you are facing asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. You may wake up at night or may not feel rested in the morning. Dyspnea, cough, and excessive mucus production may hamper your sleep cycle as well. Acrobatic exercises help to improve sleep quality by reducing stress, stimulating sleep hormones, and regulating body temperature.


Chronic lung disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a condition which affects your lungs. The disease is caused due to exposure to harmful smoke, fumes, chemicals, or smoking cigarettes. You need to visit a pulmonologist doctor in Siliguri if you are experiencing breathing difficulty, whistling sound while breathing, cough that brings clear mucus, tightness of chest, etc. To manage the symptoms of this disease naturally, you can do acrobatic exercises. The exercises help to improve blood circulation, boost energy levels, deal with anxiety and depression, improve shortness of breath, boost self-esteem and improve sleep quality. 

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