Breathe Easy With The Best Pulmonologist In Siliguri

Breathe Easy With The Best Pulmonologist In Siliguri


Pulmonary disorders can cause various distressing symptoms which can eventually decrease your overall life quality. One of the most common symptoms of such disorders is breathing difficulties. Shortness of breath, working harder to get breath, and chest tightness are some of the signs that can indicate some underlying lung issues that can be life-threatening. You need to contact a reputed pulmonologist doctor in Siliguri if the shortness of breath is also associated with chest pain, episodes of severe breathlessness, and irregular heartbeat.

Pulmonologists are experienced professionals who are qualified to treat a varied range of lung disorders. If you visit this doctor with signs of breathing issues then he will recommend cardiopulmonary exercise testing, blood tests, lung function tests, and chest X-ray to determine the main cause of the symptom. It is pivotal for you to get early intervention and management of the symptom otherwise it can lead to severe irritation or chronic dyspnea.

Common Cause Of Breathing Difficulties

It is quite normal to experience breathing issues after performing certain strenuous activities especially if you’re obese. However, if the breathing difficulties become frequent then it is something to be concerned about. This is because breathlessness can be caused due to various pulmonary conditions that need immediate treatment.

The main cause of breathing issues is serious lung disorders which include lung cancer and COPD. In some cases, infections caused in the airways such as pneumonia, bronchitis, or flu can also lead to this symptom. Additionally, pulmonary embolism and allergic reactions can also have a crucial role in making breathing difficult. You need to consult the best chest specialist in Siliguri to determine the main cause of breathing issues.

Effective Treatment Options Advised By Pulmonologists

  • Medication
    Various medications are available to manage shortness of breath. The medications can be given either orally or as nasal allergy drugs such as decongestants or antihistamines to reduce the blockage and make it easier for you to breathe. Herein, contacting the pulmonologist is essential as the doctor will understand your condition and then prescribe medications to keep the airways open for hassle-free breathing.
  • Breathing and Relaxation Techniques
    The pulmonologist may also recommend various breathing techniques or respiratory physiotherapy to make breathing easier. In this treatment approach, the doctor will help you learn various techniques such as pursued lip breathing to take deep breaths and alleviate the blockages. Herein, you can also calm yourself and eliminate breathlessness through various relaxation procedures. This method is especially beneficial for people suffering from COPD or asthma.
  • Oxygen Therapy
    In case of severe breathlessness, the doctor may advise you to get oxygen therapy. This treatment approach is mainly recommended when your blood oxygen levels are extremely low and you need extra oxygen to breathe properly. To provide supplemental oxygen, the doctor may ask you to wear a mask or may deliver it through a tube inserted via the nose.
  • Inhalers
    Inhalers or Bronchodilators can also be prescribed by the doctor for hassle-free breathing. In this treatment, medications are inhaled through your mouth so that the tightened airways in the lungs can be relaxed. It is one of the most effective interventions that can help you breathe properly and control the symptoms of various obstructive pulmonary diseases.
  • Healthy Lifestyle
    Apart from all the efficient treatment options, the main thing that the doctor will advise to avoid breathing issues is to follow a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle not only involves a balanced diet and regular exercise but also smoking cessation and avoiding the triggers causing breathlessness episodes. Herein, you must also avoid inhaling chemicals and pollutants that can irritate your lungs.

Living with shortness of breath can be quite difficult but regular check-ups with a reputed pulmonologist doctor in Siliguri and following a care plan can help you prevent some dangerous breathlessness episodes. You must know that small changes in your lifestyle can make huge differences in improving your life quality and making breathing easier. 

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