Adverse Impact of Smoking on Your Respiratory System

Adverse Impact of Smoking on Your Respiratory System


 Smoking cigarettes is harmful to every organ of our body since it reduces overall well-being and is a leading reason for developing certain respiratory, cardiovascular, integumentary, immune, and reproductive diseases. However, the risks of getting affected by pulmonary diseases are higher among smokers. 

The increased nicotine dependence and its harmful effects are the main reason behind the development of respiratory illness. If you’re a chain smoker and willing to quit smoking or you’re facing any symptoms of pulmonary disorders, then you may consult a chest specialist in Siliguri

Risks from Smoking and Its Link to Pulmonary Diseases 

Tobacco smoke has a higher potential of injuring the lungs since it contains aerosol, free radicals, and other harmful gases. The set of mechanisms of the respiratory tract for protecting the lungs also gets hugely impacted by smoking. It not only enhances the risks of developing lung cancer but other pulmonary cancers as well such as throat, voice box, nose, and sinuses.

1. Lung Cancer 

Cigarettes contain more than 5000 chemicals and most of them are carcinogens which are the leading substance causing cancer. When these chemicals enter our body through the lungs, it damages all the DNAs that help us in protecting from cancer. 

This mechanism also makes it harder to repair the damaged DNA. Chest pain, wheezing, cough, hoarseness, lung infections, and unexplained fever are some of the most prominent symptoms of lung cancer.


Smoking cigarettes is also one of the major risk factors for the development of COPD. It is responsible for triggering COPD flare-ups and causes significant damage to the lung lining, air sacs, and airways. 

This makes it harder for the lungs to move in and out enough air for breathing. Smoking cessation is also a major recommendation given by doctors while treating the symptoms of COPD. 

3. Asthma                      

Tobacco smoke is a major trigger for asthma attacks as well. The airways of a person suffering from asthma are extremely sensitive and smoking makes major disruptions in the mechanisms of airways causing an increase in asthma symptoms. You can book an appointment with a chest specialist doctor in Siliguri if you’re experiencing frequent asthma attacks. 

The excessive build-up of mucus in the airways and damage caused in the cilia of the lungs due to smoking are also some of the reasons that worsen the health condition of asthma patients. 

Negative Impacts of Secondhand Smoke 

Not only the person who is smoking is affected by the harmful chemicals but the people around the smoker also get hugely impacted. Secondhand smoke can expose children and adults to major respiratory illnesses. 

Impact of Smoking on Lungs

Decreased lung function, increased production of mucus, lung infections, and airway inflammation are some of the respiratory health complications caused by secondhand smoke. 

Smoking can adversely impact the respiratory system of the developing fetus as well by increasing the risks of the unborn baby developing asthma in the future. You can contact a chest specialist in Siliguri if you’re willing to quit smoking. 

You can take the assistance of various medications and therapies such as nicotine replacement therapy for quitting smoking and its impacts on the respiratory system. Decreased risk of cancer, lung diseases, occurrence of cough, and enhanced life span are some of the benefits you can receive by quitting smoking. 

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