Sinus Infection - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sinus Infection - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


You can develop an allergy if the immune system of your body reacts towards a foreign substance which can be some food, pollen, or pet dander. If the triggers behind the allergy are left undetected then it can lead to recurrent allergy attacks which can lead to serious complications. One such complication is a sinus infection, which needs to be treated properly by visiting a reputed allergy clinic in Siliguri

Sinus infection or sinusitis is a chronic infection in your sinus tissues that can cause severe swelling. When your sinus gets filled or blocked with certain bacteria, viruses, or antibodies then you may develop certain distressing symptoms of sinusitis. There can be various types of this infection which include recurrent, fungal, bacterial, and viral sinusitis. 

Here are some of the common causes, symptoms, and treatment options associated with sinus infection. 


One of the major causes of sinus infection is colds and allergies which can lead to excessive mucus production that can further contribute to blocking the sinus openings. In some cases, any type of chronic infection caused by bacteria and viruses can also cause this condition due to mucosal inflammation and swelling. If the small cilia or hairs in the sinuses don’t clear the mucus out of it then also you may develop this health condition. 

Another probable cause of sinusitis is deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps, and nasal bone spur. All of these health conditions are the main reasons behind mucosal opening blockage which can cause sinusitis. People with smoking history, asthma, nasal allergies, seasonal allergies, and weak immune systems are also at higher risk of developing this infection. 


The main symptom of sinus infection is postnasal drip, where you feel that mucus is dripping through your vagina. This issue of mucus can also lead to a stuffy or runny nose due to the blockage. The mucus associated with a sinus infection can be thick and green or yellow. If the cough and mucus issues become a recurrent condition for you then you must consider getting the best allergy treatment in Siliguri from a reputed doctor to address the underlying causes behind the symptoms. 

The other probable symptoms that one can develop with sinusitis are headache, tiredness, ear pain or pressure, bad breath, and high fever. One may also experience constant facial pressure with this infection which especially affects the forehead, nose, and eyes. This symptom might worsen if you move or bend your head. 

You must always remember that sinusitis is not a contagious disease where there’s extremely minimal risk of passing the symptoms to another person. However, the virus and bacteria causing the infection can spread and this is why proper hygiene needs to be maintained while you’re near a sinusitis patient. 


Before recommending a treatment plan, the doctor may perform certain diagnostic tests to examine your condition. Some of the most effective tests that can lead to precise treatments are nasal swabs, nasal endoscopy, allergy testing, imaging, and biopsy. Allergy tests are only recommended when the main trigger behind chronic sinusitis is an allergic reaction. 

  • Medications: Sinus infections can be easily treated at home with allergy medications, decongestants, antibiotics, and nasal saline rinses. The doctor may also prescribe intranasal steroid sprays to reduce the blockage and inflammation. 
  • Surgery: In case of chronic sinusitis, endoscopic sinus surgery can be performed by the doctor. The main role of this surgery is to clear the passage between the sinuses and the nose. 

The main step that you can take to prevent sinus infection is to visit a well-known allergy clinic in Siliguri. This measure will help you avoid your allergy triggers and receive allergy shots to prevent the allergies associated with the infection. You can also maintain proper hygiene, rinse your nose, and quit smoking to prevent the complications of this health issue. 

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